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Want to Grow Muscle? Rest!

So you've made your plans, set your goals, hired your are ready to see some gains and build that dream body! Every day in the gym, every body part pushed to the limit, 7 days a week. Faster work = faster results, right?

Wrong. Stop.

Patience and smart training are the keys to lasting results for a healthy and fit physique. The only muscle groups that can and should be worked each day are core muscles. Other muscle groups require 24-72 hours of rest before working them again. Not taking rest days leads to overtraining, which results in myriad health issues and injuries, which only set you back further.

The soreness felt days after an intense workout (delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS) is the result of tiny tears in the muscle and the resulting muscle repair process. The immune system sends in T-cells to the inflamed areas to begin healing the damage. Resting the sore muscle group for at least 24 hours allows this healing process to repair and grow the muscle. So be encouraged - your body is still working hard even while resting!

Still feel the need to move? Try active recovery, such as acupressure, massage (try out this muscle therapy massage gun, too!), foam rolling and light exercise. Low-intensity exercise such as swimming, yoga, and walking may be even more beneficial than a complete rest day. Active recovery through lower intensity activity promotes blood flow to your muscles and joints, easing inflammation, clearing out lactic acid and healing soft tissue tears.

Just to recap, rest days are imperative for:

* Tissue repair

* Preventing burnout

* Building strength and muscle

* Overcoming a plateau

* Resetting your neuromuscular system

* Replenishing glycogen stores

* Decreasing injury risk

* Minimizing fatigue

* Being a happy, healthy, and energized athlete

Most important to remember: Rest and recovery days really do improve your health and fitness and are nothing at all to feel guilty about. Take a walk, eat healthy, and take care of you!

Next week, we will discuss SLEEP and the benefits of REM and deep sleep. Until then, train hard 💪🏋️‍♂️🚴‍♂️ and rest well. 😴

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